
teacher's guide

How to Use
this Guide





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How to Use this Guide

This Teacher's Guide provides social studies and American government teachers with a unique resource for helping students critically examine the electoral process as it relates to our American political culture. What follows are activities that will enable students to develop insights into the issues implicit in the series and discussion questions that help them assess the main points of the programs. The activities, which can be done before and after students watch the segments, follow many of the themes that are featured throughout the programs: Is there an American political culture? Where do people acquire the skills needed to run for office? Is there a political culture that determines who will run for office? The guide also includes a selection of enrichment activities and reproducible worksheets to be completed after students watch Vote for Me.

At the end of this guide are lists of suggested readings, online offerings about different topics covered in this series and popular videos, as well as a list of national groups involved in effective efforts regarding election and democracy. All of the resources are designed to give students the opportunity to explore their own beliefs and to do more in depth research about the subjects and issues examined in the series.

Other Vote for Me Teaching Material

The September 1996 issue of P.S. Political Science and Politics, the American Political Science Association (APSA) magazine, includes essays on themes featured in Vote for Me. These essays can help teachers introduce middle and high school or college students to key concepts featured in the film. If you would like a copy of one or all of the essays, send a postcard to WETA, Educational Outreach, P.O. Box 2626, Washington, D.C. 20013. The essays also can be downloaded from APSA's web site. The address is http://www2.dgsys.com/~apsa.


  • The Struggle For American Culture, James A. Morone, Brown University

  • Who Runs for Congress?, Linda L. Fowler, Dartmouth College

  • An Effective Congress and Effective Members: What Does It Take?, Barbara Sinclair, University of California

  • "Accentuate the Negative" Contemporary Congressional Campaigns, Ronald D. Elving, Congressional Quarterly

  • Urban Political Machines: Taking Stock, Clarence N. Stone, University of Maryland

  • The South and the 1996 Elections, Charles S. Bullock III, University of Georgia

  • Black Power in 1996 and the Demonization of African Americans, Michael C. Dawson, University of Chicago

  • The Evolving Politics of the Christian Right, Matthew C. Moen, University of Maine

  • Su Voto Es Su Voz: Latino Political Empowerment and the Immigration Challenge, Susan Gonzalés Baker, University of Texas at Austin

  • The Political Power of Lesbians, Gays and Bisexuals, Kenneth Sherrill, Hunter College, CUNY

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